Tuesday, September 14, 2010


tomorrow is show day!

alex and marc backstage

I know I didn't feature any Preen but their backstage was lovely

ew.. seeing marc's backstage makes ours look like a sane house

I was really happy when someone told me she is "addicted" to my blog :D
(hi lotte!, not to be confused with charlie aka sockie - hi charlie~)
Her feedback? Yes, more DiY posts to come now that I have time.
in fact~ I went to Mood fabric store today ;)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love my mini shout out!

    I hope I don't get confused with Lottie the Yorkie either!!

    I think I really am addicted, it goes like this. . . emails, check. facebook, check. Blog, check!! I love it!
