Monday, June 4, 2012

nicole warne - gary pepper vintage, in patricia chang

a very special post:
I am so so honored that nicole warne wore this dress from my fall 2012 collection!
why am I so blessed to work with such sweet hearted girls?


when I saw her in the dress, it made me want to wear the dress~
and then it hit me, 'oh sh*t, I designed that~'

I felt so giddy~ and of course I know that sounds vain,
but it's a genuine moment that I had and definitely deserve to enjoy~

I can't thank nicole enough for putting so much effort into a beautiful post!!
I'm thinking, gosh, why didn't I style it with those shoes?? :) 

check it:
and send her lots of love!!!!


  1. AWESOMEEEE!!! weeeeeee~~~ absolutely gorgeous! YAY PATTYYYY!

  2. your stuff is really beautiful. How can I purchase? e-mail me @

    xoxo~ chanello

  3. omgsh patricia unnie!!! i saw this post on gary pepper vintage and i was like wow that is gorgeous dress but i didn't realize it was of your creation!!! ahhh seriously congrats congrats~ i can't imagine how exciting this all is for you!! rooting for you always!!

    <33 sophieee
