Thursday, October 21, 2010


To date, KACF has awarded nearly $1.5 million in grants to nonprofit organizations that are helping individuals and families to become more healthy, safe and economically self-sufficient. Our grantee partners range from small neighborhood-based organizations that provide critical social services to large organizations that provide direct services and work to change policies to improve the conditions of the community.
Spent the night at the gala with my "family"
(and also ran into blog followers! - awww, hi hi!)

the always glowing birthday girl Emmy
how is someone so lovely on the inside and out~ ;)
and sister Jul - with little Lyd in tow
doesn't she make you want to be preggers?? breathtaking..
and the sort of husband I aspire to find - the lucky, El oppa

thank you for a wonderful, and inspiring night!
"I am successful because I not money driven, I am mission driven"

1 comment:

  1. it was a fun night!! :) thanks for coming out~~aw...ellman looks like a chipmunk in that pic..hahaha~~
